Saturday saw 40 of HIMF’s finest participate in the first Amazing Race event. The zero degree start was buffered slightly by the beaming sunshine, but it definitely helped increase the running pace!

Teams of 4 competed against each other to run to various “challenge” points around Frankston – the first, Olivers Hill. With varying levels of “challenges” depending on fitness levels, teams did between 4 and 12 laps of the infamous Olivers Hill (1km from bottom to top and back!). From here the teams ran between the parks in Frankston, doing burpees, push ups, step ups and lunges. After covering 20kms in just over 2 hours, the teams returned, tired but proud of a great achievement!! Most commented that they had done more than they had previously thought they could – a great result for the day!!

Check out the photos on our facebook page “Health In Motion Fitness” to see images of the day!