More and more research, including that from the Harvard Medical School, shows that stress can increase weight gain, through the hormones that it releases, as well s the high fat and high sugar foods people reach for when stressed.
Effects on appetite
Short term, stress can shut down appetite, but if stress persists, cortisol (a hormone released from the adrenal glands) is released which increases appetite, causing you to take in more calories than you need.
Fat and sugar cravings
Stress also seems to affect food cravings-it seems that physical or emotional stress increases the intake of foods that are high in fat and or sugar. As well as the extra food and calories being eaten, when stressed, many people stop exercising and drink more alcohol, both of which only make the situation worse!
Steps you can take
Reduce your stress today!
* Exercise more, as exercise decreases your feelings of stress and may blunt some of the negative effects associated with stress. Vigorous exercise will help you burn off some of the anger and frustration, and relaxation exercises will help to calm you. Combine both, as in a group fitness session, and you get double the benefit! Imagine how good you will feel after a group fitness session of boxing, followed by the relaxing benefits of some yoga and pilates.
* Spend time with others as social support has a buffering effect on stress. Research shows that the mental health of those who spend time in a supportive group environment is better than those who have more alone time. Again, a great reason to get into group fitness!!